How to create and post a screen shot
A screen shot can help to explain details of a problem.
- To create a screen shot of your entire desktop, press the "Ctrl-PrtScn" buttons on your keyboard. This will capture an image of your screen to your PC memory. Then launch some graphics program such as "MSPaint" (comes with all Windows O/S) and paste the captured image into "MSPaint". That file may then be saved as a .jpg or .png image to be posted.
- A better alternative - To create a screen shot of a single window, dialog box, error message, etc., select the window to make that window have focus. Then press the "Alt-PrtScn" buttons to capture the image to your PC memory. Paste the captured image into "MSPaint" and save the file as a .jpg or .png image to be posted.
Follow these steps to attach the screen shot to your post in the Forum:
- In your thread, click Full Editor button under the quick reply box.
- Locate Filename and Browse buttons, click and navigate to the screen shot you just saved.
- Click Add File and Submit. Your file will be attached to your post.
- You can make the screen shot visible in the post by adding attachment tag with the file name you saved [attachment=1]FILE.NAME[/attachment]. If you attach more than one file, refer to each one with its number: attachment=1, attachment=2... .
Alternatively, you may post the image file you saved to a public server like Imgur or some other free image hosting website. Visit their sites for more details on how to get link to the image to post in the forum.