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Controls Firefox's built-in Session Restore, Session Manager and Crash Recovery features

  • Use Firefox's built-in Session Restore Feature - when checked, Firefox's Session Restore feature will be in effect
  • Enable Session Manager
  • Enable Crash Recovery


  • When browser Starts (Select one option)
    • Restore
    • Ask Before Restoring
    • Don't Restore
  • When Browser Exits (Select one option)
    • Save Session
    • Ask before Saving
    • Don't Save

Tab Mix Plus saves two types of session, sessions saved by the user and history sessions.
Current Tab Mix Plus version saves only two history session: Last Session and Previous to Last.

  • Startup Session (select a session)
    • Last session
    • Previous to last
    • All sessions you previously saved
    • Choose another if empty (when checked, you will be prompted to select another session)
  • When not restoring on start
    • Show my home page
    • Show a blank page


When Restoring Sessions
  • Overwrite existing windows

    • And tabs
    • Save windows in closed windows list
  • Join multiple windows into one

  • Bypass cache when restoring

  • Don't load tabs until selected (Removed)


Preserve Tabs
  • History
  • Permissions
  • Protected Status
  • Lock Status
  • Scroll and Text Size
Preserve Windows
  • Selected Tab
  • Closed Tab list