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Tab Opening

Control what action will open new tab, and if the new tab get the focus (select)

  • Middle-click new tab button to open URLs or search for text from clipboard new since Firefox 115

Open tabs from
  • Bookmarks

  • Groups of bookmarks

  • History

  • Address bar

  • Search bar

  • Middle-click or Control-click opens items in current tab.
    Only for bookmarks, history, links forced to open in new tab

Focus/Select tabs that open by these action
  • Links
  • Diverted windows
  • Other applications
  • New tab commands
  • Duplicate Tab
  • Address bar
  • Search bar
  • Context menu search for
  • Bookmarks/History
  • Groups of bookmarks

Inverse Middle-click or Control-click focus for tabs opened by these action
  • Links
  • Bookmarks/History, Address bar, Search bar