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Tab Closing

Controls tab closing, when warnings will appear and where to set focus when a tab is closed

  • Warn me when closing multiple tabs
  • Warn me when closing window with multiple tabs
  • Warn me when closing window with protected tabs

Closing last tab
  • Do not close window when closing the last tab (closing the last tab will also close the browser window)

  • Prevent last tab from closing

  • When I close the last tab replace it with (select one):

    • New Tab Page - see more details on Firefox Help
    • Blank Page
    • Home Page (to select your Home Page you must specify a Home Page in the Firefox Options/General)
    • Current Page (whatever page is currently displayed in your browser)
    • Duplicate Tab with history (copy the current tab with history)
  • Focus content when loading non blank page, (when not checked - focus is on the address bar)

Closing current tab
  • When closing the current tab, focus (select one):
    • First tab
    • Left tab
    • Right tab
    • Last tab
    • Last selected tab
    • Opener/Right tab (the tab containing the link that opened this tab or the tab to the right)
    • Last opened tab