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Tab Bar

Controls the display of Tab Bar

Show on Tab Bar
  • New Tab Button (select one) - the new tab button will be displayed on the tab bar at the specified location

    • Left side
    • Right side
    • After last tab
  • Close tab button - the Close tab button will be displayed at the right end of the tab bar

  • All tabs button (All tabs button will be displayed and when clicked it will display a list of all open tabs)

  • Show tab previews (Show tab previews will display a window with tab previews instead of a list. This option is not available in all Firefox® versions)

  • Extra space on both sides (when checked extra space will be placed on both sides of the tab bar)

  • Hide the tab bar (select one) - Hide/show the tab bar based on the selected rule

    • Never
    • When I have only one tab
    • Always
  • Position (select one) - Select the location for the tab bar

    • Top
    • Bottom
  • When tabs don't fit width (select one):

    • Scrollable without buttons - scroll tabs using mouse wheel or keyboard arrow keys
    • Scrollable with buttons on left and right side (displays left and right scrolling arrows at each end of the tab bar)
    • Scrollable with buttons on right side (displays both, left and right scrolling arrows at the right end of the tab bar) -Multi-row (allows tabs to be displayed in multiple rows)
  • Max number of rows to display - default 3 - for Multi-row option

  • Allow pinned tabs to scroll - for Multi-row option

    • When scrolling, show part of next out-of-sight tab - for single row options
    • Enable smooth scroll - scroll the tab-bar smoothly
    • Scroll Delay (time between scroll repetition 150 milliseconds is default) specify the delay time in milliseconds to scroll when smooth scroll disabled